Abuse of dominance enforcement under latin american competition laws


  • Russell Pittman

Palabras clave:

The spread, competition, Latin America


The spread of competition laws in Latin America has been accompanied, as in Central and Eastern Europe , by warnings
against over-enforcement, and in particular against enforcement of provisions against the “abuse of a dominant position” in a market that may discourage legitimate, procompetitive actions and strategies. We examine all instances of competition agency findings of abuse of dominance for eight Latin American countries over the period 2001-2003. We find a) that there have been relatively few such rulings in most countries, b) that roughly half of such rulings have been in traditionally “regulated industries”, which suggests that the number of rulings may fall as sectoral regulatory agencies gain more capability and experience, c) that many rulings have arguably targeted government-imposed restrictions on competition as well as privately imposed restrictions, and d) that a majority of rulings have attacked exclusionary rather than exploitative abuses.

Biografía del autor/a

Russell Pittman

Counsel for International Affairs at the International Antitrust Division of the Federal Trade Commission. Russell Pittman is
Director of Economic Research and Director of International Technical Assistance, Economic Analysis Group, Antitrust
Division, US Department of Justice, and visiting professor, New Economic School , Moscow . The authors are grateful to the
following colleagues for their extensive help in supplying case information and responses to questions: Patricia Agra Araújo
(Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica in Brazil); Marietta Arias (Comisión para la Promoción de la Competencia in
Costa Rica); Humberto Guardia (Comisión Nacional de la Defensa de Competencia in Argentina); Maria Magaldi (Superintendencia para la Promoción y Protección de la Libre Competencia in Venezuela); Claudia Montoya (Super-intendencia
Industria y Comercio in Colombia); Carlos Noda (Indecopi in Peru); Gustavo Paredes (Comisión de Libre Competencia y
Asuntos del Consumidor); and Monica Zegarra (Comisión Federal de Competencia in Mexico). They are grateful as well for
helpful comments from Ignacio De Leon and Randolph W. Tritell . The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do
not purport to represent the views of the United States, the Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission or any
individual Commissioner.

