The RDC publishes original and unpublished scientific articles, national or foreign, on the defense of competition.



To promote academic production and the dissemination of knowledge on the defense of competition.


The peer review process complies with national and international standards and guidelines, in particular the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and CNPQ’s Research Integrity Committee.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please contact us by email: Or call (+55 61) 3031-1283.

Manuscripts are initially assessed by the Editorial Team and, subsequently, by ad hoc external evaluators, as described below:

  1. a) DESK REVIEW– Approximately thirty days.

The Editor-in-Chief will analyze the thematic relevance and verify the submission criteria required by the journal according to the guidelines for authors. If the article is found not in compliance with the required formal requirements, a report will be sent so that the author(s) can observe the notes within fifteen days. If the author(s) considers that the deadline is too short to carry out the required changes, they may request an extension via email or through the OJS system. In case of inertia, the article will be rejected.

Further at this stage, all texts undergo plagiarism control through the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate. If it is proven that the submitted article is not original and unpublished, the article will be rejected.

If there is a preliminary rejection, the article may be resubmitted to RDC provided that the originality is maintained and the indicated deficiencies are corrected.

  1. b) DOUBLE BLIND PEER REVIEW – approximately one hundred and twenty days

After the desk review stage, the peer review process will begin under the double blind peer review system.

At this stage, the article will be sent to two anonymous peer reviewers, who are experts in the subject of the article, outside the publishing institution, and, preferably, holders of the title of Doctor, so that, within twenty (30) days, they can issue a critical opinion paying attention to the criteria described in the standard form, which must be delivered to the authors.

In case of divergent opinions, the Editor-in-Chief may forward the article to a third reviewer to issue a new opinion.

Upon receiving the opinions, the Editor-in-Chief will decide whether to publish, request correction, or reject the article, sending the editorial decision and reviews by e-mail.

In case of disagreement with the decision taken by the Editor-in-Chief, the author(s) may request, via email (, the re-examination of the decision, presenting the reasons for it.


In the case of approval with mandatory corrections, the author(s) will have a period of twenty (20) days to make the necessary changes. Authors may request an extension of this deadline via email with justification.

The new version of the article with the changes requested by the Reviewers should specify the corrections made, the suggestions followed, and justify any rejections.

After the period of twenty (20) days has passed without the author(s) returning with the required corrections, the article will be rejected.

The editor will then make the final decision on whether to publish or reject the revised article.


Upon acceptance, the article will be sent for publication in the journal's semi-annual editions.


The RDC is registered with Reviewer Credits, an innovative and independent platform dedicated to scientists, journals, and editors participating in the peer review process. Evaluators can earn credits to redeem at the Reward Center (link here) and obtain their updated peer review activity certificate by registering for FREE on the platform (register HERE).


The RDC does not charge any fees for submitting, reviewing, publishing, distributing, or downloading its articles.


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) accepts scientific articles, review articles, essays, and case studies in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) is published every six months.

The first issue of the journal covers the period from January to June (#1) and the second one from July to December (#2).


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) uses the Crossref Similarity Check, which is an anti-plagiarism software created by iThenticate and Crossref with thousands of journals sharing their work, offering to editors the comparison of scientific content similarity within its database.


The copyright of published articles belongs to the author(s) and the journal has rights to the first publication, either printed and/or digital.

The author(s) may only use the same results in other publications when clearly indicating the Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência as the original publication medium. If there is no such indication, the journal will consider it a situation of self-plagiarism.

The total or partial reproduction of the articles published herein is subject to the express mention of the origin of their publication in this journal, mentioning the volume and number of this publication, in addition to the DOI link for cross-reference. For legal purposes, the original publication source must be recorded.

As the RDC is an open access journal, the free use of articles in educational and scientific applications is allowed as long as the source is mentioned, according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).



The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) adopts the statement of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) and grants open, free, and immediate access to all published content. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link the full texts of articles or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking for the prior permission of the publisher or author, as long as they respect the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) used by the journal.



In addition to authorizing the public archiving of articles submitted in the peer-reviewed preprint and postprint versions, the final published PDF can be fully archived in any open access server, indexer, repository, or personal website, such as and ResearchGate.


Articles published in the Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).


The RDC performs the digital preservation of its digital content by doing daily backups and depositing its digital content in the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Cariniana Network), which is part of the program Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS), of Stanford University.



The RDC is supported by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) does not publish commercial content on its website. Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific agreements with advertising clients or sponsors.


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) does not use any type of direct marketing to request the submission of articles, to authors or companies, for the organization of its editions.


The Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (RDC) has incorporated the interoperability protocol OAI-PMH 2.0 (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting), which can be accessed directly at: OAI-PMH 2.0


The publication of scientific journals on the defense of competition policy by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE), which is an autonomous agency linked to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, began in 1975 with the launch of the Journal Revista de Direito Econômico (ISSN 0100- 2880), which was dedicated to the publication, in physical format, of articles that addressed the intervention of the Government in the economic domain.


In 2004, with the need to expand the focus and scope of the journal, the Journal Revista de Direito Econômico was renamed as Revista de Direito da Concorrência (ISSN 1806-5287), which offered, quarterly, to its readers a broad frame of reference about the decisions of the autonomous agency and important topics involving Economic Law and, in particular, Competition Law.

With the publication of Law No. 12,529/2011, which structured the Brazilian system of defense of competition and created mechanisms to prevent and repress violations of the economic order, the Journal Revista de Direito da Concorrência was succeeded, in 2013, by the Revista de Defesa da Concorrência (ISSN 2318-2253), which, with a semi-annual frequency and a more comprehensive editorial policy than that of the previous journal, began to publish scientific articles, review articles, essays, and case studies with the objective of disseminating knowledge about defense of competition, which is an area still in its infancy in Brazil, from the perspective of Law, Economics, International Relations, and related areas.

In 2015, with only two years of publication, the Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência was qualified in the B2 level by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), which is an autonomous agency of the Ministry of Education (MEC), under the “Qualis Program”. In the following evaluation, carried out in 2017, the Journal Revista de Defesa da Concorrência was classified in the B1 level of Qualis/CAPES. In the evaluation for the four-year period of 2017-2020, released at the end of 2022, the journal was classified in the A3 level for the areas of law and economics.