The Journal RDC has the following items as goals to be achieved in the short and medium term:

  • To contribute to the publication of research from research groups and studies on competition law, as well as works prepared in graduate programs;
  • To adopt strict national and international criteria to maintain the ethical and transparent editorial process;
  • To make the journal a vast and reliable repository for researchers, both national and international, who seek material on competition law that has been duly reviewed by peers (by double blind peer review) in order to be published;
  • To search for the indexing of the Journal RDC in national and international indexers, especially in Scopus, Web of Science, Redalyc, and in the Scielo Brasil Collection;
  • To publish calls for articles in several languages to encourage the submission of articles by foreign authors and to assist in the international recognition of the journal;
  • To publish articles in various formats, especially in HTML and XML along with PDF;
  • To promote the journal and its publications on social networks;
  • To adopt proactive measures to publish more articles in foreign languages, preferably in English;
  • To seek constantly the expansion and renewal of the catalog of external reviewers, striving for gender, racial, and regional parity, in addition to expanding internationalization;
  • To disseminate press releases of new editions and published articles;
  • To adopt progressively measures to increase transparency and publicity in order to be aligned with Open Science practices;
  • To adopt measures to increase gender, race, and Brazilian regionalization parity among published authors;
  • To develop and publish submission data to maximize editorial transparency;