All texts will be submitted to peer control, who will adopt identical parameters in the selection. The publication of approved works tends to follow the chronological order of submission and approval, with the exception that there are publication criteria established by CAPES which the RDC may observe when selecting articles for the organization of the issue. They are:


  1. a) Exogeny: preferably, aiming at the spatial deconcentration of research related to the defense of competition, the editions must bring authors who have institutional affiliation to states other than the Federal District, including those linked to foreign Higher Education Institutions. Articles in English or other languages, even if the author is Brazilian, are also encouraged.


  1. b) Title: preference will be given to submissions of articles authored or co-authored by Masters and Doctors.


In addition to such events, works that address a topic of imminent relevance and that may become obsolete because of the time in publication may be published with preference. This situation is determined by decision of the editorial team and may be suggested by the peer reviewers in their review.