Labor markets in Cade's merger control: competition law in the pursuit of human labor valorization

Main Article Content

Julia Braga


Objective: this essay aims to study how, from a perspective that is not only theoretical, but especially practical, labor markets can be addressed in the analysis of concentration acts submitted to the Brazilian antitrust authority, CADE.

Method: based on the classic analysis of transactions detailed in the Guidelines for the Analysis of Horizontal Mergers published by CADE and studies that address competition aspects related to labor markets, this essay presents parameters to be adopted by CADE to evaluate the competition effects related to the labor dimension of the relevant markets. The essay provides proposals related to the analysis of the characteristics of the transactions themselves (definition of relevant market, aspects that may influence the probability of the exercise of monopsony power, the debate about possible economic efficiencies, and the design of remedies to be considered to mitigate eventual concerns), as well as suggestions concerning adjustments to the wording of CADE's Resolution No. 33/2022, the need to update guidelines, the regulation of clauses that restrict competition, the execution of a technical cooperation agreement with the MTE, and the encouragement of greater participation of unions in the analysis of transactions.

Conclusions: no amendments to Brazilian competition law are required for labor-related aspects to be considered in merger reviews. Nonetheless, proposals were presented aimed at facilitating the handling of this matter in the upcoming years.

Article Details

Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biography

Julia Braga, Lefosse Advogados – São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Bacharel e Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Pesquisadora visitante na Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna/Itália.


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