New challenges, new remedies: the commitments negotiated by Cade in the Settlement Agreements signed with Gympass and iFood in exclusive dealing agreements investigations

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Danielle de Souza
Priscilla Craveiro


Context: Abuse of dominant power through the adoption of exclusive dealing agreements has long been investigated by Cade, but recently the antitrust analysis of this type of practice has gained new contours. Competition law does not consider exclusive dealing agreements illegal per se, as it recognizes that they can provide important efficiencies, such as avoiding the free-riding on investments made in the exclusive partner and reducing transaction costs. Historically, Cade's precedents in which a Settlement Agreement (TCC, in its acronym in Portuguese) was signed either prohibited such agreements or established, as a central obligation, a cap for its adoption. The TCCs recently signed with Gympass and iFood, digital market players, included an additional element: the performance commitment.

Objective: This article aims to present the changes in Cade's approach to exclusive dealing agreements and the reasons that justified the innovations brought by the recent TCCs.

Method: Using the comparative method, a parallel was drawn between the TCCs recently signed with the two digital platforms and those signed in the last decade with Souza Cruz and Ambev.

Conclusions: It was possible to verify that the adoption of a performance commitment in the TCCs recently signed by Cade with Gympass and iFood brought important progress and innovation in the approach to exclusive dealing agreements. Such commitments establish clear and objective growth targets for the exclusive partners as a result of the investments made by the Party, in order to ensure that the efficiencies resulting from exclusivity outweigh the effects of the restriction. Its adoption dissipates the competitive risks inherent to the practice without harming the innovation capacity of the markets involved.

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Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biographies

Danielle de Souza, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) – Brasília/DF, Brasil

Mestre em Economia pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Pós-Graduada em Direito Concorrencial e Econômico (FGV). Economista pela UnB. Coordenadora de Análise Antitruste na Superintendência-Geral do Cade. Servidora pública, carreira de Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental.

Priscilla Craveiro, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) – Brasília/DF, Brasil

Especialista em Defesa da Concorrência e Direito Econômico pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV – Brasília). Bacharel em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Servidora pública da carreira de Especialista em Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental desde 2011, com atuação no Cade desde 2016. Já trabalhou na persecução a carteis e condutas unilaterais, como Coordenadora no Programa de Leniência e, atualmente, atua na análise de atos de concentração


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