Tax and Antitrust Law Tax evasion as an antitrust violation
Main Article Content
Negative competition effects as a consequence of tax matters are widely known and discussed. Nevertheless, sometimes it is presumed that these distortions do not configure antitrust violations and should not be subjected to the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense’s (CADE) enforcement. This article analyzes CADE’s and the Judiciary’s case law, as well as legislative efforts to determine the concept of the “recurrent debtor” or to regulate article 146-A of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. It concludes that certain illicit tax practices may also be characterized as antitrust violations punishable by CADE. A filter is then presented for this analysis, based on the assessment of (i) the reiteration of the evasive tax practices; (ii) the high taxation and low profit margin in the affected market; (iii) significant increase of the investigated company’s market share; (iv) correlation between growth in market share and the evasive practice; (v) the verification of effective damages to competition.
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