The role of the OECD in improving competition policy in Brazil a brief review on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Law Number 12.529/2011

Main Article Content

Paulo Burnier da Silveira


Objective. This paper addresses the OECD’s role in improving competition policy in Brazil during the last ten years. The strengthening of institutional ties between CADE and the OECD is significant, with contributions from the OECD to the current legal competition framework provided by Law nº 12.529/2011.

Method. The article analyzed institutional ties between CADE and the OECD.

Results. The results demonstrate that there is a remarkable process of strengthening institutional ties between the two institution, which contributed to the normative design defined in Law Number 12.529/2011.

Conclusions. The article concludes with future perspectives in view of Brazil’s accession to the OECD.

Keywords: CADE; OECD; international cooperation; improvement of public policies; Law nº 12.529/2011.

Keywords: CADE; OECD; international cooperation; improvement of public policies; Law nº 12.529/2011.

Article Details

10 anos da Lei 12.529/2011
Author Biography

Paulo Burnier da Silveira, Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Brasília/DF, Brasil.

Especialista Sênior de Concorrência na OCDE e Professor-Adjunto da Universidade de Brasília. É Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de Paris e foi Conselheiro do CADE no período de 2015 a 2019.


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