Innovation and competition in digital ecosistems an approach from the emergence of dominant architecture

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Vinicius Klein
Gabriela Rodrigues


Objective: this work aims to explore the complexity of the role of innovation in competition law, with a focus on the additional challenges presented by digital markets. Thus, we sought to examine different approaches to innovation in economic theory and their influence on the decisions of competition authorities. To address this issue, the theory of dominant design was used as a theoretical framework that considers the specific characteristics of digital markets.

Method: the present study first analyzed theories of innovation to understand which approach would be most suitable for integrating innovation in competition law reasoning and enforcement methodology. Once it was concluded that the dominant design theory is the most applicable in digital markets, it was analyzed and applied comparatively to other theoretical alternatives.

Conclusions: the theory of dominant design emerges as an effective theoretical approach, considering the cyclical nature of innovation and its relationship with dominant architectures in digital markets. A proper application of competition law should focus on maintaining cycles of dominant architecture, allowing contestability and the emergence of new architectures without interfering with market dynamics. This approach is starting to gain recognition, as evidenced by the Cade's decision in 2020, highlighting the importance of considering the innovation process in dynamic markets and signaling a significant evolution in the application of competition law in relation to digital markets.

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Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biographies

Vinicius Klein, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) – Curitiba/PR, Brasil

Professor de Direito Empresarial e Direto e Economia nos Departamentos de Direito Privado e de Economia da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Procurador do Estado do Paraná. Doutor em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela UFPR. Doutor em Direito Civil pela Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Glasgow Fellow na Faculdade de Direto da Universidade de Glasgow em 2023. Professor Visitante na Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política de Nice na Universidade Cote D’Azur em 2022. Visiting Scholar na Universidade de Columbia em 2012.Coordenador do Núcleo de Estudos em Direito e Economia da UFPR.

Gabriela Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) – Curitiba/PR, Brasil

Graduanda em Direito pela UFPR, pesquisadora bolsista do PET Direito e integrante do NEDE.


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