Agreements in competition Law

Main Article Content

Thiago Marrara


This article analyses the four types of agreements in the Brazilian competition law. It starts with the observation of the rise of consensus in administrative Law and competition Law. Following that, it explains the agreements in the preventive control (concentration agreements - ACC and reversibility protection agreement - APRO) and in the reppressive control (leniency agreements - AL, and consent decree - TCC). At the end, it presents some critical aspects of the phases of theses agreements. 

Article Details

Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biography

Thiago Marrara, Faculdade de Direito de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo

Professor associado da Universidade de São Paulo na FDRP. Livre-docente pela USP. Doutor pela Universidade de Munique. Consultor e árbitro na área de direito administrativo e econômico.