O Antitrust and economic crises: challenges faced by the brazilian competition law concerning the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19

Main Article Content

Julia Esteves Lima Werberich
Polyanna Vilanova


This article analyzes the impacts of economic crises, from a comparative law perspective, to antitrust enforcement during and after the establishment of the crisis, with a focus on determining the impacts of the economic crisis generated by the pandemic of COVID-19 in Brazil. It will be analyzed what measures are being and may be adopted by CADE in view of this atypical context, in which it seeks to preserve the competitive environment and the economic development of the country - or, at least - to minimize the negative impacts on the economic scenario.

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Author Biographies

Julia Esteves Lima Werberich

 Julia Werberich é advogada no escritório de Advocacia Figueiredo e Velloso Advogados Associados; bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília, e aluna especial do mestrado em economia pelo Instituto de Direito Público de Brasília. 

Polyanna Vilanova

 Polyanna Vilanova é advogada no escritório de advocacia Figueiredo e Velloso Advogados Associados e ex-conselheira do CADE; doutoranda de Ciência Política na Universidade de Lisboa e Mestre em Direito Constitucional pelo Instituto de Direito Público de Brasília.