External control in Antitrust Law

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Angelo Gamba Prata de Carvalho


Usually ignored or even repelled by Brazilian legal scholars and even by the positive law, external control stands for the enforcement of corporate power by a non-shareholder entity. This phenomenon is commonly mentioned by Antitrust Law, but there is no specific body of norms for that. It is necessary, therefore, to structure minimally consistent criteria in order to avoid excessive reductionisms and to preserve the economic function of contracts, so that it is possible to understand their real role on the organization of markets.


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Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biography

Angelo Gamba Prata de Carvalho, Universidade de Brasília (UNB)

Doutorando, Mestre e Bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília. Professor voluntário da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasília. Vice-líder do Grupo de Estudos Constituição, Empresa e Mercado (GECEM/UnB).