¿Los datos son un arma competitiva o un motivo de preocupación para el sector retail brasileño?

Contenido principal del artículo

Bernardo Macedo
Anna Olimpia Leite
Paulo Henrique Oliveira


Context: businesses have always used data to make decisions, but the amount, variety, and speed of data have increased dramatically in recent years. This fact led to the emergence of big data, which in turn intensified innovation, led to new services and products such as real-time traffic information and personalized marketing and delivery services. While big data has led to efficiency gains, it has also sparked a new debate in antitrust: to what extent, if any, could data become a competitive concern?

Objective: this article is a case study on the Brazilian retail market based on recent literature on barriers to entry fostered by data-based activities and the importance of data as an asset capable of creating market power and giving rise to anti-competitive practices.

Method: a bibliographical review was carried out regarding the importance of data as a possible asset that creates barriers to entry, as well as the interpretation of the Brazilian antitrust authority – Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade), in recent mergers, in addition to an exploratory analysis of data on access and revenue of the main retail players in different market segments and business types.

Conclusions: the article concludes that, taking into account the case study, it is not evident that big data leads to highly competitive advantages in the retail sector in Brazil and that competitive concerns do not extend to all data-intensive markets, as data can be segmented and provide different competitive advantages that do not imply relevant barriers to the Brazilian retail sector.

Detalles del artículo

Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Biografía del autor/a

Bernardo Macedo, LCA Consultores

Mestre e doutor em economia pela Unicamp. Sócio-Diretor da LCA Consultores. Conselheiro do IBRAC. Foi diretor de economia do IBRAC. Sediado em São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Anna Olimpia Leite, LCA Consultores – São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Mestre e graduação em economia pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração da USP. Gerente da LCA Consultores. Coordenadora de Condutas Unilaterais do Comitê de Concorrência do IBRAC desde 2022. Sediada em São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Paulo Henrique Oliveira, LCA Consultores – São Paulo/SP, Brasil

Mestrando em Administração Pública e Governo na FGV-EAESP e graduado em Ciências Econômicas pela UNIFESP. Pesquisador associado ao Observatório do Poder Econômico (OPE), membro do Comitê de Mercados Digitais do IBRAC e economista sênior da LCA Consultores. Sediado em São Paulo, SP, Brasil.


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