Interpreting and applying the dosimetry elements of the penalties established in the brazilian competition law

Main Article Content

Daniel Silva Boson


This article aims to verify the possibility of a coherent and systemic interpretation of each of the elements of dosimetry in art. 45 of Law 12.529/11, and suggest a methodology for calculating the penalties applied by Cade, in light of the objectives of the law itself. Although the doctrine has not yet delved into the topic, it highlights the difficulty for Cade applying the aforementioned article. In spite of the difficulty left by the Legislator, given the multiplicity of elements, sometimes with a high degree of abstraction or difficult to estimate, we believe that it is possible to apply these elements effectively, using legal and economic knowledge.

Article Details

Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biography

Daniel Silva Boson

Doutor em Direito pelo UniCEUB, com distinção. Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Brasília. Especialista em Administração de Empresas e em Defesa da Concorrência, ambas pela FGV. Gestor Público Federal (EPPGG) prestando assessoria jurídico-econômica no Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE). Ex-Professor de Economia e de Direito Econômico na Fortium e no UniCEUB. Foi Analista de Finanças e Controle (AFC) da Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional do Ministério da Fazenda.