The effectiveness of collaboration and the useful result of the process in antitrust leniency agreements

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Waldir Alves
Natalie Giacomazzi Viccari


The article addresses issues related to the relevant role played by CADE's Administrative Court in the formal and material control of antitrust leniency agreements, based on the content of the effectiveness of the collaboration and the useful result of the process. Part of the definition of a leniency agreement, it identifies its phases and points out the characteristics of CADE's Antitrust Leniency Program. It points out that the perspective of a leniency program based on the fair granting of premium benefits by the State is conditioned to the fulfillment of obligations assumed by the signatory, without, however, neglecting the legal results indicated by the standard, having as its center the idea of ​​effectiveness and usefulness of collaboration, based on objective legal criteria. In this scenario, a parallel is drawn with the award-winning collaboration agreement, whose Brazilian experience is advanced in the Judiciary, including the Superior Courts. It addresses the exclusive competence of the Administrative Court of CADE in analyzing the declaration of compliance or non-compliance with leniency agreements and the control of their effectiveness. Finally, it analyzes the consequences and effects of non-compliance with the leniency agreement by the signatory in the event of lack of cooperation and mentions important judgments handed down by the Administrative Court of CADE.


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Revista de Defesa da Concorrência
Author Biographies

Waldir Alves, Ministério Público Federal

Procurador Regional da República. Representante Titular do Ministério Público Federal – MPF junto ao Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE. Membro Suplente da 3ª Câmara de Coordenação e Revisão do Ministério Público Federal (Ordem Econômica e Consumidor).  Doutor em Direito do Estado e Teoria do Direito pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. Especialista em Direito Tributário pela Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau – FURB. Professor da Escola Superior do Ministério Público da União – ESMPU.

Natalie Giacomazzi Viccari, Ministério Público Federal

Analista Jurídica Concursada do Ministério Público Federal. Assessora Jurídica do Representante Titular do Ministério Público Federal junto ao Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – MPF/CADE. Especialista em Ciências Criminais pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – UNISUL. Pós-graduanda em Defesa da Concorrência e Direito Econômico pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV.